Diet and Mestruation: What to eat during the phases

Diet and Mestruation
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The balance of the woman depends on the diet she follows, hormonal balance and mental well-being. All these factors, in some way, are also affected by menstrual cycle.

By pre-menstrual is 4-5 days before menstruation. The syndrome includes both problems that can be managed with nutrition and symptoms that have nothing to do with the gastrointestinal tract. Women feel pre-menstrual syndrome in different ways, so you can't generalize.

Stages of the menstrual cycle

The first stage of the menstrual cycle is characterized by the release of certain hormones by the pituitary and the growth of 5-7 follicles, of which only 1 becomes the dominant follicle that, in case of conception, will create the life of a child.

At the ovulation stage, the dominant follicle turns into the luteum body which is a real endocrine gland that produces progesterone.

The second stage is characterized by the fact that the luteum body produces estrogen and progesterone, this phase lasts on average 14 days.

Sensations for each stage of the Menstrual Cycle

The first phase of the cycle, the estrogenic phase, is a phase where there is a lot of energy, you have little water retention and you can have good control of blood sugar, this is the best stage to start the diet.
The stage progestin is characterized by irritability, poor concentration, water retention, abdominal swelling, constipation and blood

Diet and what to eat during the Menstrual Cycle

What is advisable eat during the phases of the menstrual cycle? Let's see some small directions to follow to better manage menstrual cycle!

- During the mestrual phase, that is, from the first day of flow, especially if there are nauses and migraines, it is good to avoid caffeine, theine and alcohol and prefer herbal teas. It is good to increase foods that help detoxifying, such as raw vegetables, bitter herbs, vegetables such as dandelion, radicchio. It is bere a lot of water with unsweetened infusions or centrifuges of fruits and vegetables, with the addition of some phytotherapy spices such as ginger. You can increase your iron intake by taking undercooked red meat, seafood, black molasses or legumes.

- During the pre-ovulation phase, that is, the one that goes from when the menstruum ends until ovulation occurs is the most energetic phase and is the stage where there is good blood sugar compensation and therefore you have a lower desire for carbohydrates. At this stage it is good to take noble proteins of meat, fish and eggs, and avoid dairy products in women with hormonal imbalances.

- During the ovulatory phase, which goes from the 13th to the 15th day in a regular cycle, it is recommended to take eggs and foods rich in zinc such as pumpkin seeds and sesame. In case of cramps it is also useful to supplement magnesium by taking figs, almonds, brown rice and artichokes.

- During the pre-menstrual phase it is important to take herbal teas or with grapefruit juice or bitter herbs such as radicchio, asparagus, sesame to eliminate water retention. It is to avoid pro-retention foods like sausages, cheeses and farinacei.

It should be emphasized that, regardless of the woman's will, at this last stage you feel the desire for something sweeter and sugary and you can treat a small piece of fondant chocolate.

Curated by
Dott.ssa Patalano Myriam Biologist Nutritionist

Ischia Nutrizione Patalano